1) Although there are generally no formalities involved in forming the contract of employment the Employment Rights Act 1996 (ERA 96) Stipulates that a written document outlining the main terms of employment be supplied within two months of the date of commencement of employment. The particulars must include the following express terms:
- Job title and description
- Length of notice period
- Names of both parties and commencement
- Rate and method of calculating pay
- Frequency of payment
- Holiday pay entitlements and relates
- Hours of work
2) Additionally the employment contract will be supplemented by terms implied from three main sources:
- Statue, such as:
> Employment Rights Act
> National Minimum Wage Act
> Health & Safety at Work Act
> Sexual Discrimination Act
> Gender Reassignment Regulation
- Common Law, such as the duties imposed on employees and employers is discussed in further article
- Custom, for example deductions for poor workmanship were once common place in the cotton industry